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I am an independent iOS/macOS app developer from Germany and I just graduated with a Master of Science in Satellite Technology. I am currently employed as a Java developer at pagina GmbH working on XML data structures for print and e-book publishing.

I have always had a keen interest in computers, software development, and Apple platforms. I first taught myself Python, which I have since used almost daily for university and hobby projects. However, my greatest passion lies in designing user experiences. For this reason, I have created some smaller apps as side projects during my university education, and I am now getting more serious about developing them further.

If you are interested check out my GitHub or CV.

My Apps

  • Stempel

    Create New Files

    Stempel is a native macOS app for creating new files in Finder. Users can manage templates that they edit in Stempel or in in any other editor of their choice. New files are created by right clicking in Finder or by adding an item to Finder’s toolbar.Read more…

  • Hexer

    Hex File Viewer

    Hexer is a desktop level hex viewer packed with features. It was developed from the ground up for iOS and iPadOS. It is natural and intuitive to use for everyone. It is integrated with the Files app. So you can browse Dropbox, Google Drive, your git repositories, your downloads, your documents in iCloud Drive or your desktop. Or you can just share any file to it.Read more…

Blog Posts

  • How to Open Sublime Text From Windows Subsystem for Linux Version 2

    In my current workflow for my day-job, I frequently find myself using my preferred shell fish through the Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 – or WSL 2 – to do operations on files in the Windows file system. One of my most common operations is that I want to open a file in my preferred editor – Sublime Text. When just using the regular shell in any operating system, Sublime Text provides the shell command subl that opens Sublime Text. I now want to open the Windows application from the Linux shell to open a file on Windows. Microsoft even provides a wslpath utility that can translate a path in the WSL into a true Windows one or the other way round. A factor that adds additional complexity to this task is subl having command line arguments that I might want to use:Read more…